






〒670-0052 姫路市今宿668番地 地図


第28回 琴丘杯中学生英語スピーチコンテスト

  • 公開日:2020年11月14日
  • 更新日:2020年11月14日
  • ID:8134




  • 日時
  • 会場
    本校 多目的ホール
  • 審査員
    ダニエル ワーチャルスキー 氏(姫路獨協大学特別教師)





  • 優勝:小山 羽音さん(太子町立太子東中学校)
  • 第2位:中野 歩美さん(姫路市立朝日中学校)
  • 第3位:グレイディ 華さん(姫路市立灘中学校)
  • 第4位:藤川 詩恵理さん(姫路市立広嶺中学校)
  • 第5位:藤井 琳加さん(たつの市立龍野西中学校)
  • しらさぎ会特別賞:森崎 麗奈さん(たつの市立龍野東中学校)


Do you know anything about homelessness?

I visited New York with my family three years ago, in the spring. I was thrilled to see the wonderful scenery of this famous city for the first time.

The most shocking thing to me, was seeing a girl who looked my age. She seemed to be looking for something on the street. She was looking for food, and was clearly in need of clothes. I was embarrassed by the difference between this little girl and myself. I have read that currently there are some 90,000 homeless people in New York, and sadly the city is considered to have the second highest level of homelessness in the world. This issue has become an item of focus in the current US Presidential election campaign, and it is clear that the problem of homelessness is being taken seriously in the United States. Yet, at the same time, from 2017, the number of homeless in the US has risen by about 23,000.  One possible reason why the problem seems to be getting worse could be that it is awkward. You don’t know what to do, or what to say, and it’s often hard to talk to them. In fact, when I first saw this young girl, I was disappointed that I was so close to her, yet was unable to help.

There are many people who have this kind of feeling. To help with that, an application has been developed. Which means that you can easily raise money for the homeless simply by tapping a button. The money collected is used to provide housing to homeless people. I think anyone can now easily get involved in the support effort because they can do so indirectly.

Meanwhile, in Tokyo, there are currently about 1400 people living on the streets at any one time. There are organizations in Tokyo that visit homeless people, and serve them meals. Other than serving food, we can also get to know their situation better by talking to them. By talking with them, homeless people can feel a sense of belonging.

After seeing that little girl in New York, I researched about homelessness, and I found out two things. Frist, we need to develop a system to support homeless people easily. That’s why indirect application support can encourage people to help the homeless. Second, we should also listen to them more carefully and realize that they are members of our society. In our society, we should give them that sense of belonging. I also hope that little girl I met in New York will find a warm home and live a happy life with her family.
